The Omnibus Project
The Omnibus Project

Sensory Story Lending Library 

The Omnibus Project has a range of different sensory story resource boxes to encourage engagement and listening, the development of literacy, social interaction skills and ultimately a love of stories! Click HERE to see the stories currently on offer

Please read the terms and conditions (below) of the lending library before requesting a sensory story resource box.

Terms and Conditions

1)  The sensory story boxes and their contents will remain the property of The   Omnibus Project at all times even whilst being hired as part of the lending library.

2) Hirers of the sensory story boxes will agree to pay a deposit of £20 (in cash for EACH box borrowed) on hiring the resource which is fully refundable on return of the resource providing that the following conditions have been met:

  •    NO objects are missing from the sensory story resource box
  •    NO objects within the sensory story box are broken or in a            condition where they cannot be re-used
  •    Sensory stories are returned on time (as recorded on the hire agreement)
  •    Should any of the conditions in clause 2 be broken then The Omnibus Project will retain the £20 deposit in order to replace or repair items from the sensory story box

3) Sensory story resource boxes can only be hired for a maximum of 4 weeks at a time in order that others may hire the resource. 

4) The Omnibus Project will ensure that items within each sensory story box are safe and clean to use both before and after being hired out as part of the lending library


We would be grateful if you could report any faults or breakages as soon as you become aware of them in order that we can source any replacement items needed or supply additional batteries for resources which require this.


By signing the hire agreement to become a member of the Lending Library you are agreeing to these terms and conditions (a copy is shown on the back of the hire agreement form).

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2018 - 2024 (The Omnibus Project)